Mod Extension SlitherePlus Version 2.0

Numerous Bothacks have been running online and a great many of them have been infecting their PCs with viruses & trojans. This isn’t the hacking of jLynx, which is what makes the snake of yours really breed automatically, while spoiling the entertainment of the hunt game.

Intro About Mods

For the game of jLynx of 18 years have already presented us with a functional bot and this freelance programmer has made a comeback with At the present, the Mods functions for the Firefox, Opera and chrome browsers and for the cell phone Android offshoot. In the section below we provide an explanation on the way of setting the hack up for Google Chrome.

Downloading And Setting Up Of For Chrome Browser

Foremost, you require removing every browser plugin from Chrome that influences, an example being zoom mod. The subsequent step is using tampermonkey plug-in that can be installed via several links online A window is going to open and here you require clicking above the green colored “ADD” button. At that point, a novel window will emerge where you’ve the option of clicking on “Add Extension”.
In the eventual step, you require Bot.user.js file from Théophile Cailliau and Ermiya Eskandary. Make a click on top of this link before clicking “Install” at the left corner at the top of the screen. On you starting the game with the Chrome browser of yours your snake is going to with no intervention on your part.
For the Firefox browser, ahead of you being able to make use of tis bot with Firefox, it is mandatory that you initially get rid of every script and browser extensions that influences the hunt game in any way.
Then proceed with the installation of Greasemonkey plugin for Firefox making use of links available online and follow up by the restarting of the browser.

  • Zoom in , zoom out with Mouse
  • Current Map X/Y Position
  • FPS Counter
  • Play with your friends server list
  • Glow Reducert
  • Graphic Mode Selecter (High/Medium/Low)

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